VOW - We often intentionally or unintentionally take many vows, I will never fall in love”; “I will never meet my family" etc. But, do we realize how they are affecting us or may affect us in the future?

The fact is, we don’t realize that some of these vows are charged with such intense emotions that we carry it across with us - beyond time and space. Our soul is immortal and some of these words are imprinted on us across lives. It is thus very important that we should be very careful before taking any vow or at the least be careful with our words.
A vow of poverty can be taken for a different reason. For example, a wealthy young woman was really enjoying her life. She went for a ride in her car and was hijacked, robbed of her jewels, and murdered. As she was dying, she thought, “Being rich is not a good idea. My money got me murdered, and I was so young! I vow that in my next incarnation, I’m going to stay poor!” In this case, the vow of poverty was taken as an attempt of self-defense. In the next incarnation, poverty did not feel so safe either, and the woman came to me for a Soul-Detective session to clear this vow.
Similarly, I had a client last month, Ramesh (name changed). He was suffering with intense stomach issues, throwing up regularly and he developed severe bloating issues. He came to me in intense pain, he said, "I don’t want to eat, it is better I do not, because if I do - I suffer. I am tired”. The first two sessions were on relaxation and reducing sensitivity, as emotional sensitivity leads to food sensitivity in many cases. During the third session, he was more at ease with himself and we decided to explore his past life. He saw himself as a monk in 19th century, he was a great disciple and after his master left the body, he became the leader of the community. Later, two of his fellow friends decided to murder him because they were jealous and greedy of the power he had. They mixed the poison in his food and just before eating it, he intuitively got the vision of the poison and he discarded the food. He was very upset with his friends and he decided to go for intense meditation and took the
vow "I will not eat food, till I achieve the desired state for myself”. In this birth, this vow got activated when he decided to set on a journey and achieve a goal for himself. His body unknowingly started giving up food, because his soul carried the VOW from his past life in this body - I will not eat food. After healing his past life and re-scripting it, I received a call from him within a fortnight that his stomach is much better, an improvement of approximately 80%.
Now, if we think, it is just restricted to our past life- it certainly isn’t. It can also be an experience in the current life which can trigger an emotion or VOW in our belief system. A person seeing his father being too busy with his professional life and earning material wealth, and unable to give enough time to his family, can take a VOW innocently- I do not wish to be so rich, that I lose my family life. Such a person, no matter how much he tries, has sub-consciously created a barrier between him and material success, because of the VOW.
A flip side to this is, what if this VOW is taken with complete awareness? One day, a young girl from a village, saw her mother and other women being abused by society. She was in deep pain, but she used this pain in right awareness and took a VOW- I will definitely change the destiny of all the women I can. As she started grew up, she completely forgot about it, but her subconscious mind, which is approximately 90% of our mind, remembered it. When she went to her college and saw a girl being physical abused, her subconscious got triggered and without realizing, her entire perspective to life changed and she started manifesting the life of her VOW. Years later, she became one of the biggest activists, working for the betterment of women in our society.
In our culture, karma and marriage has been given utmost importance. The institution of marriage starts with 7 vows that the couple makes to one another, and if either one of them falters, they get into a karmic obligation with each other- leading to 7 janam (lives) of being together to neutralize the obligation. When the bride and the groom take the seventh and the last vow, they promise that they would be true and loyal to each other and would remain companions and best of friends for lifetime. It is one of the vows of Hindu marriage and if either of them breaks it, by being disloyal and not giving the unconditional love, they shall manifest each other in some other bondage in their next life. Sometimes even as a handicapped child where as a parent you are devoted to him/her the entire life.
So, next time before taking a vow, be careful with your words. Any vow taken without the right awareness, can be detrimental for our life. It is for no reason, in our culture, that swear words and curses are such a taboo.
A lotus to you,
a buddha to be.