It's fascinating to be at the top and not be bothered about anything else around you. As I was choosing a life of a seeker, I had two options
1) Be a monk and move to Himalayas
2) Be a seeker amidst all the chaos.
I chose the latter, the former didn't intrigue me much. It could have helped my ascension far quicker, but, then what? How it could have helped my Mother Earth? The latter one sounds easy but is far more difficult. To follow your seeking which is truly unconventional and not get distracted by all the WHITE collar OPPORTUNITIES, is the first test of your will. Second, look at Ram, Krishna; what makes them exalted beings? It's the way they contributed to our ITIHAS, our lives. They left teachings which can guide us even today. They chose to be a MONK who never sold their Ferrari.
Taking reference from their lives, I decided to be part of this chaos and dance amidst and along with everyone. The only intent was, is and will be, to share every learning I once received. Learning of not only the knowledge and wisdom, but failures too.
When I was a kid, someone told me, you will re- write Shastras. I don't know how much truth does it hold, but, certainly I am totally against people who share half- knowledge or malign the name of Shastras without even knowing much of them. I don't like the idea of creating superstition in the minds of people using our Shastras as the reference.
Like, I saw a lady talking in her YouTube channel- "Saturn takes 19 years to complete one revolution". Anyone with basic knowledge knows it takes 30 years. "Ketu is a materialistic GRAHA". "Pitru Paksha is about letting GO". Dear Lady, you cannot learn everything on Google. You were good as a stylist, then why this plunge? Look at women like Komilla who are trying to serve through Astrology.
I have met many seer and sages, went door to door to learn a science or two. In the end, I realised, it's all about basics. If you are true to your work, intent and love what you do, rest shall follow.
My endeavour is to create a legacy which shall remain even after I go, thanks to various digital platforms we have today.
A lotus to you,
A Buddha to be